Trichotillomania Before and After Gallery

Before and after images of women using the Intralace System® or Medi Connections to combat hair pulling and its effects.

Emily before

Emily Before using the Intralace

Emily before

Emily Before using the Intralace

Emily before

Emily showing hair regrowth

Emily after

Emily showing hair regrowth

Emily had the Intralace System fitted in November 2014. She had a realignment appointment in May 2015 and you can see from the images how much her own natural hair had grown successfully underneath the Intralace System in just 6 months. Emily then chose to continue using the Intralace System until her own natural hair grew a little longer. She then moved to using Medi Conenctions and our management ideas to continue successfully managing any temptation to pull.

Jordan before

Jordan before

Jordan after

Jordan after

Jordan after

Jordan after

Jordan after

Jordan after

Client Z before

Client Z before

Client Z after

Client Z after

This young lady first came to see us in 2011 and had the Intralace System fitted. She had the system removed in 2014 as her own hair had completely grown back underneath the Intralace System.


Charlotte before

Charlotte before

Charlotte after

Charlotte after

Charlotte after

Charlotte after

Charlotte has done extremely well in managing her trichotillomania and her recent photos show some amazing regrowth.

Theresa before


Theresa after


This lady first visited Lucinda Ellery when she was 11 years of age and then again in her late teens and is now pull free!





In less than a year this client managed to control the urges to pull out her hair with the use of the Intralace System® (cranial hair prosthesis) and experienced almost total hair regrowth.





This form of mild Trich can have the same psychological effect as the more severe cases. Often Trich is most difficult to control with exam pressure as this patient experienced.





This client has an aggressive form of Trich, currently there are no medical catagories for the different levels of this disorder. Mild Trich, generally affects a small area of the scalp, whereas patients with widespread hair loss have stronger urges to remove the hair.






This young lady with the use of Lucinda Ellery Consultancy management system did experience considerable re-growth within eighteen months. However, six months later had a difficult personal time and as a result had a setback with further hair loss. This is quite possible with this difficult to manage condition.






This patient achieved impressive regrowth after two years of using the Intralace System™ the mesh was reduced by 80% to just a small area of the scalp. This patient continues to manage her Trichotillomania successfully.


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