Radiotherapy and Hair Loss

The effect of radiotherapy on the scalp will vary according to the dosage and frequency of the treatment. Generalized hair loss may occur following a course of radiotherapy. Once the treatment has finished your hair will sometimes grow back depending of the severity of the treatment, however, it may be thinner than before or there may be areas of patchy hair loss and chronic hair loss.

It may also grow back a different color and a different texture. Localized radiotherapy to the scalp may result in small localized areas of hair loss at these sites.

Managing the Effects

Medi Connections™ may be helpful to improve volume where the hair has become generally thin following radiotherapy in moderate hair loss situations. Medi Connections (Ultra Fine safe hair extensions) will last for three months on average.

Medi Connections™ are very fine, lightweight real hair extensions that are added to your hair to introduce discreet volume. The connections are easy to manage and will allow you to look after your hair like it was your own. At your consultation we will determine if Medi Connections are the most suitable option for you and also confirm how many connections you will need.

The Intralace System™ may be used for small or large areas of permanent hair loss or for patients with a greater reduction in density following radiotherapy to the scalp. This system is integrated into the remaining hair. It allows you to wash, brush and style your hair as if it was your own. The Intralace system lasts for 2 years; maintenance of the re-growth hair is normally required every 6-8 weeks. We use your own hair surrounding the areas of hair loss to integrate the Intralace System™ securely in place. We will confirm at the consultation stage the specifics of your design as individual needs will vary.


Our locations

Map of LA location
Los Angeles

9022 Burton Way
Beverly Hills,
CA 90211

Location Map

Map of New York location
New York

Suite 607, 37 East 28th Street
New York, NY 10016

Location Map

Map of London location
London, England, UK.

Location Map

Also in Manchester, England, UK. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Bristol, England, UK, The Midlands, England, UK, Southampton, England, UK.

Take the Next Step

To arrange a free private consultation at The Lucinda Ellery Consultancy please call:

(310) 288-0788 - Los Angeles USA

or use the LA contact form

(212) 359-1641 - New York USA

or use the New York contact form

For UK and other international inquiries please call

+44 208 741 8224 - (London) England, UK

or use the London contact form

or you may wish to visit our UK website