Alopecia Areata (AA)

Alopecia Areata most commonly affects younger women and children. The condition is due to an auto-immune response, where the body forms white cells that attack the hair follicles which produce hair. It causes hair growth to stop, and the follicle enters a resting phase of its cycle which leads to hair loss.

Most cases of AA are characterised by a shiny patch of scalp that becomes visible through the hair and feels silky smooth. Hair loss from AA can be sudden, developing in just a few days which can be very difficult to adapt to emotionally.

Alopecia Areata and the Intralace System®

Frenscesca before

Francesca showing the effects of Alopecia

Frenscesca before

Francesca after the application of the Intralace System

Clients who have patches of hair loss from Alopecia Areata are suitable for our Intralace System®. Our client Francesca first came to see us with AA in July 2011 and used the Intralace System® to conceal her patches of hair loss. Francesca’s hair completely grew back underneath the Intralace so she had her System removed at the beginning of 2012. She then contacted us in 2015 as she had started to lose her hair again and is currently using the Intralace System to help manage her hair loss.

Francesca made a great video on the day of getting her new Intralace, watch it on Youtube

Read about Francesca’s story of managing Alopecia

AA can improve over time

Alopecia Areata is a very unpredictable type of hair loss. For some clients one or two patches may develop and then the hair fully grows back. In other cases clients can experience rapid hair loss which can sometimes result in total hair loss. The hair will sometimes grow back but it may then fall out again. Many people will need to manage Alopecia Areata for a number of years.

Our client Imogen experienced total hair loss 'Alopecia Totallis' that started as Alopecia Areata. Our clients can use the same Intralace system for partial hair loss and total hair loss. Total hair loss or near total hair loss clients will require a special tape that can be used 24/7 and is water resistant.

Imogen before

Imogen with total hair loss

Imogen after

Imogen with Intralace

Imogen with regrowth

Imogen with regrowth

A Dermatologist’s diagnosis of AA and Treatments for AA

Dr Vicky Joliffe is a London based Dermatologist with a special interest in hair disorders. She says:

‘This is an autoimmune condition in which the immune cells in the body attack the growing hair, causing it to fall out. It may affect any hair at any site and sometimes runs in families. We do not know fully what triggers this condition which can be very distressing and for which there is currently no cure.

Treatments which may be offered include injections of steroid into the scalp, application of topical preparations which aim to promote hair growth by causing irritant reactions on the skin and occasionally immunosuppressive tablets which have a number of significant side effects. There is a lot of ongoing research into Alopecia Areata and we all eagerly await more news regarding this distressing condition’


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Los Angeles

9022 Burton Way
Beverly Hills,
CA 90211

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New York

Suite 607, 37 East 28th Street
New York, NY 10016

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London, England, UK.

Location Map

Also in Manchester, England, UK. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Bristol, England, UK, The Midlands, England, UK, Southampton, England, UK.

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